Author Topic: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info  (Read 19126 times)


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2016, 04:32:40 AM »
Microwatt R10 32-bit installed

This does NOT respect Preferred Applications:
exo-web-browser.desktop -- it is hard coded for 'surf'
it would be more flexible as:

Code: [Select]
exo-open --launch WebBrowser

These respect Preferred Applications:

Code: [Select]
exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator

Code: [Select]
exo-open --launch FileManager %u


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2016, 11:20:38 PM »
Glad you're sorted, brother. :)


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2016, 01:26:56 AM »
HUGE button icons in Microwatt R10

eeepc 701, 32-bit, 4gb ssd, 800x480 screen (small)

WattOS R10 installer fits the eeepc small screen, but...
WattOS R10 will NOT install on the eeepc, only 4gb ssd.

Microwatt R10 installer has HUGE buttons that push the menus off the small screen so it cannot install it.

Microwatt R9 does NOT have HUGE buttons, but some screens are a little tall to see the buttons.  I guessed which buttons, and installed on the eeepc.  It works well and has 1.6gb free ssd.

I installed Microwatt R10 on another computer and noticed the same HUGE buttons in all apps.

Please make buttons a normal size so it fits the 800x480 screen.
The button icons are approximately 1.25 x 1.0 inches!
I would like to install Microwatt R10 on the eeepc, great travel machine.

Debian LXDE installs on the eeepc and works well.
After removing Libreoffice there is about 1gb free on the ssd.


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2016, 12:10:15 PM »
Please check the first page:

The default icon set in Microwatt "Delta" is an old ICON set and not fully complete, so you may seem some strangeness with it as root and as sudo in some apps, but its very lightweight, and its presumed most will change to what they want. (more details on that tomorrow)


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2016, 03:47:39 PM »
Yes some applications and also running some applications with "sudo" vs GKSU with the Delta icon set can cause the "big" icons to show up because the Delta ICON set has some strange/missing ICONS, also some rights that are goofy and a bunch of symbolic links to icons. (don't even get me started on the whole running as root vs sudo, or sudo -i, etc)... I did not have enough time to go through every ICON in Delta (I did not make it) and get those squared away and rights, etc. But its a very light ICON set..old users of wattOS may remember that this ICON set had an issue a long time ago (wattOS-5.0 I believe) with one application and one ICON not showing up at all, which had to do with rights...... But the easiest path for install is to open up lxappearance (its included) and change it to something different and that should go away....(Adwaita, and gnome default, and a couple other are there)

On a live CD if this is happening with limited screen real-estate, simply open up the file manager, go to the applications-preferences area and then choose "customize-look and feel" and change the icon theme from delta to something else before launching the installer.



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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2016, 04:28:51 AM »
Thank you the suggestion to use the GNOME icon set.

Microwatt R10 32bit
I used your suggestion to use the GNOME icon set.
The installer icons are now the proper size,
but the installer window is still too large for eeepc.
On the installer 'Welcome' screen,
I can see only the 'Quit' and 'Back' buttons.

I changed the monitor preferences to 640x480.
That was worse, only the 'Quit' button.
It looks like the install does not scale.

Back to 800x480
ah ha... inspiration ( my first i3 experience, learning much )
toggle floating ($mod+Shift+space) BEFORE starting installer
now I can $mod+mouse move the windows to see the buttons!
ok eeepc here comes Microwatt R10 :)

+ start from install media (usb flash)
+ [Tab] to edit options, add 'forcepae'
+ turn off display blanking and lock screen
+ change to GNOME icon set
+ toggle floating $mod+Shift+space ! BEFORE installer !
+ start Installer Microwatt-R10
+ position windows $mod+mouse to see buttons
+ skip 'Download updates...'
+ skip 'Install third-party...'
+ partition 4.0G ssd swap 256M ext2 remaining
& wait...
+ 'Restart Now'
! success
+ sudo -s
+ apt update
+ apt upgrade
+ reboot
+ sudo apt-get autoremove
= ram used 70M total 1G
= ssd used 2.2G available 1.2G swap 242M
! VERY responsive
! wire and wifi ok
& edit i3 config add bindsym
& copy i3block to home and edit (make room in i3status bar)
* play... thank you biff

asus eeepc 701, Intel Celeron 900MHz, 1.0G ram, 4.0G ssd, 800x480


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2016, 07:34:14 PM »
Microwatt R10 32bit
asus eeepc 701, Intel Celeron 900MHz

In the web browser 'surf' I ran the speedtest:

In the i3bar is the i3blocks 'bandwidth'.
I noticed when the 'IN' value went to Mb/s, no value was displayed.
I found the problem... 'bandwidth' uses the bc - arbitrary precision calculator.
After installing bc (sudo apt install bc) 'bandwidth' displays Mb/s values.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 08:07:52 PM by billwho »


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2016, 02:03:08 AM »
Good catch! I think bc was installed as a dependency for something else on my machine so I never noticed an issue.


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2016, 02:49:07 AM »
hey billwho...nice job on the eeepc. Yes being able to float whatever window you want is kinda nice on demand, and in your case actually needed to work...good job :) - I have an ancient acer tablet/convertible in the garage somewhere with similar specs (and the same lower res) - will have to go find it now and make it work :)


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2016, 06:46:01 AM »
I have been adapting my LXDE work environment to i3.

Copy the script into a new file and make it executable:
Code: [Select]
chmod u+x

Code: [Select]

Add this line:
Code: [Select]
exec --no-startup-id ~/

The script will run on boot to configure the touchpad, mouse and capslock.
Change as needed.

The script:
Code: [Select]

# disable touchpad tapping, single finger vertical edge scroll
# synclient -l
# man synclient
# man synaptics

synclient LeftEdge=1 TopEdge=1 \
  VertEdgeScroll=1 HorizEdgeScroll=0 \
  VertTwoFingerScroll=0 HorizTwoFingerScroll=0 \
  RTCornerButton=0 RBCornerButton=0 \
  LTCornerButton=0 LBCornerButton=0 \
  TapButton1=0 TapButton2=0 TapButton3=0 \
  ClickFinger1=0 ClickFinger2=0 ClickFinger3=0 \
  ResolutionDetect=0 TapAndDragGesture=0 \

# turn off screen blanking, change mouse speed
# xset q
# man xset

xset \
  dpms 0 0 0 \
  mouse 3/2 0 \
  s 0 0 \
  s off \
  s blank \
  s noexpose \

# make capslock do escape
# man setxkbmap
# man 7 xkeyboard-config ( search for caps: )

setxkbmap -option caps:escape


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2016, 01:54:06 PM »
Looks good bill. Where the script is fairly small and mostly X specific, it might make more sense to just include the commands in your .xinitrc or .xprofile. Or, you could put it in your i3 config as well. That way it's one less script/file for you to maintain.


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2016, 04:10:22 PM »
nice job on the eeepc...
I have an ancient acer tablet/convertible in the garage somewhere with similar specs (and the same lower res) - will have to go find it now and make it work :)
Did you get the ancient acer running microwatt?
Do you plan to make the install easier?
Such as
+ use a complete icon set
+ make the installer window scale


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Re: Official-Microwatt-R10-Info
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2016, 06:01:16 PM »
Hi! I am currently playing around with microWatt R10 and I am determined to stick with it.

I had a few troubles while installing it:
1) I wanted to install it without trying but the installer would crash without notice in the very end.
2) I managed to install it after logging in like guest (after crashing microWatt would log me in like guest by default) and then I ran the installer from /home directory and this time the installation was a success!


I have a question regarding desktops - I noticed that when I logout from i3, a graphical login prompt would appear, and it seemed like a KDE. I am no pro at this, and I am very new with i3 too, but is microwatt running anything from KDE in the background? If yes, is that needed? Can it be "purged" to make the system even lighter?

I was a bit annoyed with this graphical login prompt so I comment it out in xinit and made a tty login with i3 starting right after logging in. Works a lot faster on my Lenovo G500 laptop.
It is actually what I was expecting from microWatt from the start.


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change mod+ ... to Ctrl+...?
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2017, 08:33:28 PM »
can config file be modified to trigger application from mod key to Ctrl key?

for example launch sakura, instead of mod+Return, can I use Ctrl+t?

where is the MicroWatt OS??


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Re: change mod+ ... to Ctrl+...?
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2017, 05:56:20 PM »
can config file be modified to trigger application from mod key to Ctrl key?

for example launch sakura, instead of mod+Return, can I use Ctrl+t?


See if this post may help. :) If the link doesn't take you right to it, it's the last post in that thread.