I use a home built AMD based computer. Utilizing a Gigabyte 970A-D3p 64 bit mobo, AMD-AM3-8320-8-core processor, 16Gb memory, and about 5 Tb t of hard drives (6 total). Packed inside a 20 year old all aluminum full tower case I cannot part from. WattOS on my computer idles at about 250 Mb of memory, while all others are 360 Mb above. My video card is an older HDMI & DVI-D, ATI 6450. I do distro hop, looking for those few really good stable OS. Surprisingly I use SID, I use to think unstable was exactly that, but not true. I have had great success and stability from VSIDO and AntiX. I began to learn early on that most all Linux OS have a serious flaw somewhere, it is what you can live with. No matter it is still superior to Windows hands down. I am also experimenting with Liquorix kernel on Sparky Linux O/B 3.4. Seems to work well. I have been with Linux for about 9 months, enjoy tinkering with conky script and Tint2. I also have found a work around with installing themes and icons that Gdebi refuses to install. It is great that you can mess up, crash your OS repeatedly and don't have to get permission and give explanation why you need to reinstall it. Learning Linux is trial and error for me, and patience. All forums have great people, collectively helping one and another. I look forward to asking questions, and helping others, although a noob, I learn a little more about Debian everyday. WattOS I'm keeping, it is a great distro. Thanks-zephyr.