Hi all - fall is approaching and its time to start talking about wattOS R9. I am going to post some questions in another forum area and I would like some feedback. Also will post a calendar and some live chat dates on IRC if you are inclined to jump in.
I am not entirely happy with R8 (and I am never happy with any release...ha) but overall I think it was a good transition away from ubuntu. There is a learning curve, and breakage that goes along with that. I am going to work on making R9 much more complete, and I need to prioritize (read slim down) the number of releases so there is maybe 1 or 2 desktop options rather than so many as it creates a lot of extra work (and breakage of course), so I will need some good discussions around that. Nothing will be off limits (thats constructive) to discuss.
Thanks for those of you that are sticking around and contributing as its appreciated.
see you soon