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(Solved) Microwatt R10, Ubuntu Studio and bspwm autostart.


I have rolled my own version of Ubuntu Studio, using Microwatt R10 as a base and then adding the Ubuntu Studio programs that I need , as well as a low latency kernel, and last but not least, the bspwm window manager. Unfortunately, I have run into a problem with using the bspwm autostart file to start things like nm-applet, clipit, dropbox, etc. I have used the correct syntax in the autostart file, but nothing starts at boot. Anyone familiar with bspwm and can tell me why this isn't working?
--- Code: ---clipit &
dropbox start -i &
insync start &
feh --bg-scale /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/nature/Dune.jpg &
--- End code ---
I can recommend bspwm as an alternative to i3 for Microwatt versions in the future...

OK, this should have been obvious. Add the code to the beginning of the bspwmrc file. I guess I have been concentrating too much on learning Rosegarden to notice.


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