NEW METHOD!Much easier and much more simple!
In my spare time, I've been building Openbox distros (for myself) from Ubuntu minimal installs, Debian Netinstalls, and Arch. I've been trying to make myself an operating system for an old computer. The Ubuntu slightly edged out Debian and Arch...a 32bit system that idles at +/- 70 MBs of RAM.
Anyway, in my building, I discovered a super easy way to improve font rendering. It not only improves the overall font rendering, but it improves the font rendering on Wine too.
For LXDE, all you need to do is open your file manager and tell it to show hidden files.
1. Click on an empty space of your open Home folder (with hidden files showing), and create a new Empty File.
2. Name the file --> .fonts.conf
3. Make sure you put the period in front!
4. Paste this code into the file...
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba">
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting">
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle">
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias">
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter">
5. Save it. Close it. Log out of your computer and back in...and BETTER FONTS!
If you are using straight Openbox, follow the same steps, but I suggest using this code...and it also works on Openbox with Arch Linux if anyone with Arch happens to see this.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
<edit mode="assign" name="autohint" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >
<edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter">
<!-- Set preferred serif, sans serif, and monospace fonts. -->
<family>Droid Serif</family>
<family>Droid Sans</family>
<family>Droid Sans</family>
<family>Droid Sans Mono</family>
<family>Droid Sans Mono</family>