Generally speaking everyone that joins the forums are contributing and positive. So I appreciate that.
However I have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to deleting accounts. So be sure when you create an account that is has pertinent information about yourself. There are several people that can ban/delete people, and they can do it at their own discretion.
Couple tips to be sure that does not happen to you.
1. complete a reasonable profile (as much as you are comfortable)
2. If you link to another site/hobby, etc. be clear about it. many spammers get deleted simply because they create an account and put a link in their signature.
3. Don't post ads - if you want to promote something, let me know and I will consider it, or if its linux related.
4. keep the language, content reasonably PG-13 - feel free to rant, but do so by making points and humor, not profanity.
Most of all enjoy the community and Linux. Both are pretty cool