Hi people, i need a help. I've installed on my old PC strategic game 0ad but wont start, to be precise nothing happens when i'm click on it.
Here is output of 0ad :
djomaa@wattos:~$ 0ad
Cache: 200 (total: 1262) MiB
TIMER| InitVfs: 984.509 us
TIMER| InitScripting: 6.20166 ms
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 221.813 ms
p11-kit: invalid config filename, will be ignored in the future: /etc/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring-module
WARNING: Failed to set the video mode to fullscreen for the chosen resolution 1152x864:24 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual"), falling back to windowed mode
ERROR: SetVideoMode failed: 1024x768:24 0 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual")
WARNING: Failed to set the video mode to fullscreen for the chosen resolution 1152x864:24 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual"), falling back to windowed mode
ERROR: SetVideoMode failed: 1024x768:24 0 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual")
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'PSERROR_System_VmodeFailed'
what(): System_VmodeFailed
djomaa@wattos:~$ glxinfo | grep render
Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig
djomaa@wattos:~$ glxgears
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
I google the problem but there is no solution neither.Can anyone help me ?