Hello to you all,
I installed last year R7 on an new hp-laptp and was very glad about this nice distro. But the missing W-Lan causes me to switch to R9 after I got a USB-HDD for backup my home-partition.
Whenever I try to install with handmade partitioning (swap 4 gb, / about 60 GB, /home all the rest) by choosing option "other", the Installer crashes after he had done a lot of loading and copying. It pops up a Window with german sorry-text.
The only way, I was abel to install R9-64bit-i3 was a 2-way-try:
1. Try to install R9 beside the existing os until the installer crashes.
2. Choose the option to delete harddisk and let the installer do the partitioning-work. Now, it works.
But: I want to have 3 partitions: swap (4gb), / (60 gb) and /home (about 400+ gb).
I like your work and learned to love i3 after I tuned up an jwm-desktop (under a puppy-linux on an netbook with defect hdd) with many shortcuts.
How can I reach my aim to get R9 running on my System?
Any help is welcome.
By the whay: I whish you all a good christmastime...
Have nice days,