It appears that we have a few issues with Microwatt, so I figured I would solicit some feedback before I make a final decision to move forward. With the install of Qupzilla and the subsequent pull of some Jessie packages, it has broke a few things related to dependencies. Which is not entirely surprising, but can be labor intensive to fix manually, so I want to discuss a couple options.
My inclination at this point is to update and release two Microwatt versions very soon (Microwatt only - call it Microwatt 8.1) Those would be updated and available in the next week, and put these issues to bed.
One version Microwatt 8.1- Jessie based (Debian - testing) that has Qupzilla as the default browser and all the updated Jessie packages - considered more cutting edge.
One version Microwatt 8.1 - Wheezy (Debian Stable) that has Midori as its default browser and all stable wheezy only packages. - considered more conservative
The reality is that both likely will run well, but there is always more chance of breakage on Jessie as things get settled with it from the upstream Debian.
If you feel adventurous and are having current Microwatt dependency problems, simply add the Jessie repo to your sources and you will then be able to update the package you want (like installing printing that has been reported as a problem). That is not ideal I am aware, which is why I am considering taking the above path so you can choose what suits you best. Again you can manually work though the dependencies and fix them in your current installs as they come up on a case by case basis.
So fire away and let me know your thoughts.
If you want to test yourself now on your current Microwattt (R8 install), and try some Jessie packages, (and fix some of your dependencies).
simply edit /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo nano sources.listAdd the line at the bottom of the file
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main non-free contribSave the file
sudo apt-get updateThen install whatever packages you need that previously did not work. (like system-config-printer to fix printing)
You do not have to do a full upgrade as you can have some packages co-mingled (again yes I know not ideal) but I have tested that scenario for the last week with no problems. If you do a full upgrade, it will take a good bit of time, and you will essentially be running Jessie.