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Messages - CharlieK

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this sure is handy. Thanks!

Introductions / Hi from Holland
« on: February 11, 2017, 04:13:10 PM »
I already wrote some of it elsewhere in this forum but found this one is a proper forum area to do so.

So I'm Charlie from Holland and new in the world of Linux. After years of using Windows I decided to, and force myself, to leave Windows and install Lubuntu on both my main system (built myself) as well as my secondary backup system (Dell Optiplex 980). I must say that sometimes, especially when new to it, Linux based distros can be very frustrating in terms of the ease that Windows offers.... but with some asking around in great OPEN communities one can always find a good working LEGAL solution that turns out to actually make a person smarter and always works.

Though I too once just downloaded whatever I wanted with a crack, hack and Serialz, for the last six to seven years I already explored Open Source and found that the solutions given there was often greater and more what I wanted than what I got with other products. So for me the Open Source side of things has always been of tremendous help to me. Only last week did I discover WattOS and fell in love with i3 immediately after I found it on Youtube. (Actually through a channel known as Linux and Other Stuff, not Biff. Sorry. hehe)

So I decided to install it on the Dell system. Currently I am using that to sync my files to and from through SSH as well as play some oldschool games on it; Diablo II Lod and Red Alert II Yuri's Revenge amongst others. The future plan is to get a better supported video card for my main system (ATI Radeon HD5800 is supported up to Ubuntu systems 14.xx) so I can use that as my game system again while the Dell will become my own secure web and file server so I can start the XHTML thing again after many years of not doing that stuff.

Currently I am also planning in to have MicroWatt-i3 R10 installed on my main system.

And that's about it.. I love the commandline a lot more than ever before. :D

wattOS R10 / Re: Slow boot
« on: February 11, 2017, 02:03:10 PM »
Though new in Linux world, I do have some experiences with this. Depending on your system, the one giving me issues is my Dell Optiplex 980, I'd say go into the BIOS and see how your SATA operation is going. Once I set mine from RAID ON to Legacy, all worked quite well and speedy.

Maybe not a direct Linux solution but if this is a cause, then who knows.

MicroWatt for me runs fast on Legacy, but Lubuntu did better with RAID on (not autodetect though).. And not sure why the change is like that, but hey, it worked. Hope it'll help you out.

wattOS R10 / Re: Screenshots and Too large icons
« on: February 11, 2017, 01:57:29 PM »
Well, I tried a lot, including editing the index.theme in /usr/share/themes/ but none worked so am going to find another odt editor that works better. It also seemed that in Debian based OS I am not the only one with such issues and that Abiword is not exactly the right package.

So I guess my next best option is research for a better program. But thanks anyways for the help. ^_^

As always grateful.

wattOS R10 / Re: Screenshots and Too large icons
« on: February 11, 2017, 11:42:51 AM »
Well, I was indeed able to manage to make a screenshot. Scrot however didn't work so I went with solution #1. Works like a charm. Thanks. ^_^

Now the next is the Abiword issue with too large icons. I guess a pic tells a thousand words.

PS: I had to resize the image itself drastically to a smaller resolution to get under the 128KiB size limit for attachments in this forum. Original being 142KiB.

wattOS R10 / Re: Screenshots and Too large icons
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:41:34 PM »
PrtScrn does nothing for me unfortunately. Can't find the files back.

I am using MicroWatt i3. And will the Xfce4 work in i3? Same question for Scrot.

wattOS R10 / Screenshots and Too large icons
« on: February 10, 2017, 07:57:29 PM »

So I have two questions. One came with the other actually.

I wanted to make a screenshot of Abiword showing its icons way too large, about 500% too large. so..

1) How do I make screenshots? In Lubuntu it's as simple as hitting the Print Screen button et voila, it's in the home folder.
2) How can I make icon sizes smaller? I haven't seen this issue happening in abiword before.

Cheers. ^_^

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Just wanted to give a compliment
« on: February 10, 2017, 06:19:45 PM »
Hi, thanks for the welcome.

In the meantime I've installed Wine and already played Red Alert II Yuri and Diablo II LoD... where on my Lubuntu system I get screen tearing (must be ATI Radeon HD5800 issue in wine), I get a very good crystal clear experience. Must say I am very impressed. Mplayer also works like a charm.

I am loving commandline more and more. I intend on staying here. ^_^

Feedback and Suggestions / Just wanted to give a compliment
« on: February 10, 2017, 12:27:00 PM »
I'm rather new in the world of Linux, I forced myself to stop using Windows 10 about three weeks ago and jumped ship to Lubuntu on both systems.

I found out about MicroWatt with i3 last week and tried it out on my older Dell system and works like a train. I never knew things could be so easy and yet so awesome.

So a big thank you to the creator(s)!

Just a question on the side. Does Wine and gaming work on the i3 file manager?

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