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Messages - Az4x4

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wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 24, 2014, 10:42:00 PM »
I've continued to pursue the issue of R8 MATE 64bit failing to recognize my password when I launch apps such as Gdebi, apps that depend on password authorization to run. Even in Virtualbox, when I try to install the latest Extension Pack, the problem rears its ugly head and won't let me proceed. So far the best I've come up with is to make sure gksu-properties is set to *sudo* instead of *su*. However even with that set correctly the issue of my password being rejected as *incorrect*, even though it's not, remains the same - still not working..

I'll continue to monitor this forum and elsewhere for a possible solution to this problem. In the meanwhile I'll move on to less troublesome things and return for another look at R8 some other time..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 22, 2014, 01:16:27 AM »
Biff. Sorry it took some time to get back to you. Been busy setting my summer place in cool north-eastern Arizona up the way I want it and haven't stayed up with the conversation here as closely as I'd like to.

..what is the output of the "groups" command in a terminal..
mm7@mm7:~$ groups
mm7 cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev scanner bluetooth netdev

..Also take a screenshot of the password prompt screen when you launch gdebi, synaptic, whatever from the gui (not terminal) and paste it here if you can please. the SU and SUDO ones look different. (want to make sure your gksu-properties are right)..

Unfortunately, when I open gdebi and bring up the password prompt it locks the entire system up, not allowing me to do anything other than enter my password or cancel out. Won't let me capture a screenshot image or do anything else when it's open..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 20, 2014, 05:11:57 PM »
A solution for the failure to recognize and accept proper root passwords in R8 MATE 64bit continues to elude me. Not only does this error show up when attempting to use Gdebi, but it shows up in anything else I run that needs root authorization.

The latest was with Virtualbox. Downloaded the latest VB .deb file and successfully installed it by running gdebi-gtk in Terminal. Once Virtualbox was installed, when I sought to add the latest VB Extensions to it Virtualbox itself asked for root authorization to do so. When I *correctly* entered my root password I was once again informed that my password was "incorrect".. Not good!!

Don't know for sure what it will take to correct this wide spread issue, but for the moment it's on the brink of being a deal breaker with WattOS R8 MATE 64bit -- at least with newbies, till it's finally and completely fixed.. Any working solution would be MORE than welcome!!!..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 10:40:49 PM »
Now if there were a way to get Gdebi to recognize root passwords in R8 64bit Mate without having to open it via the Terminal, then both issues I've noted here could be marked solved!..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 10:35:08 PM »
...Looks like someone made their own unofficial .deb fix for it if you want to use it, but I am going to wait for the upstream packages to get fixed officially on this error.

Thanks Biff. The unofficial .deb fix for Mozo in MATE 1.8 works a charm. You're right to wait till the upstream packages get fixed to rectify this error in R8, but for those who need to access the Main Menu Editor before that happens the unofficial fix works perfectly..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:10:52 PM »
In the meantime I'll reboot to my 64bit Debian Wheezy Point Linux MATE installation and use it. It works perfectly, no problems at all. I'll keep current with the message board, and if someone offers suggestions that work with R8 MATE as I seek to solve these two issues I'll be greatly relieved!.. Hate it when things don't work as they're designed to..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:03:44 PM »
Let's see what Biff has to say about the non-functioning Menu Editor in R8 MATE 64 bit.. Maybe he's changed some things in customizing MATE that have had unintended consequences..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:59:12 PM »
I give up!!!... At least for now!

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:57:58 PM »
Unbelieveable!! It cut my message short once again.. What he said was: the only problem I had was that Update Manager and GDebi didn

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:54:49 PM »
Going to try this once again!..

Writing about his experience with WattOS R8, Trench Reynolds said: ...installation was smooth as silk..The only problem I had was that Update Manager and GDebi didn

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:48:23 PM »
..Also, I know how to add and delete things from the task bar. I've used MATE since the day it became available. Was a happy user of Gnome 2 for years before that! But it's not adding and removing things from the task bar that I'm concerned with. It's editing the Applications Places System menu that isn't working for me in R8. ..If you click on System/Preferences/Main Menu the menu editor is supposed to open. You can also access it by right clicking on Applications Places System itself and choosing "Edit Menus". However in my case, no matter which way I approach it, the Menu Editor will not start, which leaves me unable to change the way my Applications Places System menu is set up. ..Have never experienced this problem before in any other Debian based MATE installation I've tried, and I've tried almost all of them..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:35:14 PM »
..Why are my posts being cut short? That's twice now that about half of what I've written has simply disappeared when I post it. When I preview my posts they're all there. But once posted they leave out big parts of my message!.. So here's yet another thing to be concerned with!..

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:31:53 PM »
Thanks again for your efforts Cheiron. Checked my password in Terminal. It was right as is. Changed it anyway. Rebooted. Works fine, but still won't work in Gdebi.

So you know I'm not alone in reporting this problem, here's what Trench Reynolds had to say about the same issue in his latest blog post: ...wattOS announced that they had released version 8.. Installation was smooth as silk.. The only problem I had was that Update Manager and GDebi didn

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 06:05:27 PM »
Just to show I'm not crazy, here's part of Trench Reynolds' latest review in which he reports the same root password problem when using Gdebi that I'm dealing with:

..wattOS announced that they had released version 8, or Release 8 (R8) as they call it. I

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:54:28 PM »
Thanks for the effort Cheiron, but that's just too weird!

I rebooted using my password. No problem.

Downloaded Virtualbox manually. Ran the .deb installation file in Gdebi. It asked for my password. I typed it in. Once again it tells me my password is incorrect. Unfortunately it's not, and therein lies the problem.

How would I go about checking and resetting my password in R8 MATE? Obviously something's screwed up someplace, just that I've not run into this problem before and don't really know where to look..

Also, were you able to right click on Applications Places System, select Edit Menus, and get it to work? ..That's the other problem I'm not sure how to solve having never experienced it before..


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