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Messages - n_spect_r

Pages: [1]
wattOS R8 / Re: Evolution mail in R8
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:46:02 PM »
32 bit, LXDE.  This seems to be a problem in Debian but I can't find a solution that I understand.

wattOS R8 / Evolution mail in R8
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:04:34 AM »
I'd like to run evolution mail and calendar.  It installs fine but will not start.  If I try to start from terminal I get this error;
Failed to connected to any renderer:  XServer appears to lack required GLX support  Google searching the error leads me back to several Debian references but no solution that I can understand.  Most refer to Nvidia drivers but I have an Intel video card.  I ran Evolution on this computer when using R5. 

wattOS R8 / tray icons spread out
« on: June 09, 2014, 11:11:18 AM »
When I start, all of the tray items, network, power, sound, clock are all right together.  After going into suspend a few times  they all spread out.  The gaps between each item are big enough for two more icons.  If I restart they all go back together.

wattOS R8 / All broken dependecies
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:09:44 PM »
Microwatt is a speedy os on my old laptop but everything I try to install won't because of broken dependencies which I can't seem to fix.  Just too many issues.  If I can't get a solution today I am going back to R5.  Sad that no-one could tell me why the mouse and touchpad won't work in R8.

wattOS R8 / Re: Installed microwatt, multiple issues
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:04:45 AM »
I screwed with this for a while, edited the fstab file with no luck. From terminal I could sudo mount /media/storage (what I named it in fstab) then could get in from the file manager but could not write. On a wild hair I tried sudo pcmanfm from terminal then typed the location, /media/storage in the browser window and I have all access.  Clunky but at least I can get to my old files.  Irritating that USB drives have no problems at all.

wattOS R8 / Re: Installed microwatt, multiple issues
« on: May 31, 2014, 12:06:48 AM »
I solved the access problem in synaptic, from digging the forums I found the bug in gksu-properties set to su instead of sudo.  Now the only real issue is mounting the second drive partition.

wattOS R8 / Re: Will microwatt run the same programs as R8 LXDE
« on: May 30, 2014, 06:33:56 PM »
I took the plunge and did the install but Synaptic package manager will not let me in.  I am trying to do some installs from terminal.  I have been able to install some stuff through terminal, apt-get but there are still issues.  I need to add some dependencies and can't access synaptic package manager.  I also have an isue with an extra partition not being accessible.  When I try to mount I get "Not authorized to perform this operation".  Maybe I need to edit fstab file.  Will play with it later.  If I can't get it by tomorrow I'll go back to R5 that worked.

wattOS R8 / Installed microwatt, multiple issues
« on: May 29, 2014, 08:01:34 AM »
I am not familiar with openbox yet.  I've tried the live USB and it is very responsive.  I am tempted to install as there are no mouse or touchpad issues in that distro.  I need to be able to run Libreofffice, wine, Audacty, and Xiphos.  My initial assumption is that the core OS is still the same so it should run all DEB software, I just want to be sure before switching over.

wattOS R8 / Touchpad and mouse issues (solved myself)
« on: May 26, 2014, 12:24:39 PM »
I am currently using R5 and am trying the R8 live from flashdrive on ASUS 1005HAB.  R5 works fine just wanted to try something new.  The issues are that taps on the touchpad do nothing and a USB mouse shuts off after around 3 seconds. As long as I keep moving the mouse or click it, it will continue to work.  If I stop for 3 seconds the light goes off and the mouse  stops.  I need to click it to get it working again.    I finally gave up on microwatt and decided to try R8 LXDE again. 

Solved the touchpad clicks easily enough by installing synaptiks.  Added benefit I can disable the touchpad for two seconds after any kestroke.  Solving the mouse issue took some time but I discovered it is caused by a bonehead idea of power saving by turning off the USB port if idle for 2 seconds.  Why anyone would choose such a low number is beyond me.  Edited file ;  sys/bus/usb/devices/4-1/power/ autosuspend_delay_ms from 2000 to 92000.  Now at least the mouse will stay on for 92 seconds.  I might try 999999 just to see what happens.  I can live with the 92 seconds for now.  So far I like R8 LXDE, was running R5 for the past six or eight months.

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