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Messages - herndon.jeffreys

Pages: [1]
News and Announcements / Re: wattOS Returns!
« on: March 18, 2022, 11:49:58 PM »
Cheiron:  I am so confused.  Thought WattOS was dead in favor of ViaOS.  Where are we in the process; is it still in beta?  How can I help?  Hern

wattOS R11 / Re: General Announcement
« on: September 03, 2019, 04:02:07 PM »
One other thought...  We have heard lots of votes for different Desktop Environments (Moshka, LXDE, Microwatt, etc)....  AntiX has chosen a different route...  From what I understand, it is based on the IceWM (a window manager, not a true desktop environment)...  start from ground up.

One thing I DO NOT THINK anyone wants is for Wattos to become just another "lightweight" distro...  it is special, and should have something to distinguish it make it stand out from other lightweight distros...  Wattos needs to "shine!"  No pun intended.  :D

wattOS R11 / Re: General Announcement
« on: September 03, 2019, 03:29:41 PM »
What I am hearing from Paolo and others is that FIRST AND FOREMOST we need to keep focusing on being a lightweight distro with 32 bit support....  whether the DE is based on Microwatt or Bodhi/Moshka or LXDE/LXQT....  Is that fair???  I think Biff wanted a more "fundamental" discussion of the focus of Wattos in the future.

If lightweight is the main focus, then obviously "eye candy" and the ability to "customize" aren't primary...  these tend to cause more "bloat."

Maybe a lightweight "core" with instructions on how to add the lightweight DE of your choice...  (someone else proposed this)

Are we interested in something with "core" packages (LibreOffice, Chromium/Firefox, pdf reader, VLC,  Brasero, etc....) OR do we want to do something truly minimalistic (browser and package manager - user adds everything else).  Personally, I like the balance Biff has currently struck with Wattos.  The only request I would have is that we have a more mainstream browser that can handle all web pages.  AOL, for example, throws up an error page if I try to use Pale Moon, Madori, or any other "lighter" browser.

The only other preference I would have is that we explore the possibility of a rolling release based on "stable" repositories....  Get rid of the system upgrades where you have to backup your own files, browser  bookmarks, whatever.... wipe your computer, install the new version, add in your favorite programs, copy your backup to the computer, etc....  It gets kind of tedious, especially if you have a busy life. 

Thanks again, Biff 8)

wattOS R11 / Re: General Announcement
« on: September 02, 2019, 01:17:39 PM »
I considered installing Bodhi for the same reasons cited...  I love how fast and light it is.  However, my family also uses my computer.  Bodhi, they found, was a little counterintuitive - options are located under strange names and headings...  there is more of a learning curve to it for those transitioning from Windows/Apple to linux, or even those (like our family) that still uses Windows on some computers (because of specific software needs) and linux on others.  My daughters have found the organization of LXDE/LXQT menu easy to use and intuitive.

I am also a fan of Microwatt, but it likewise has a learning curve for those in homes with multiple computers and multiple operating systems.  My fear is that if Microwatt or Bodhi is the sole basis of Wattos, we might be relegating Wattos to a smaller "niche" audience...  and that would be a shame (at least to me).

Maybe we need to have some discussion on what type of user we are interested in appealing most to, rather than individual OS tastes.  We all have our favorites, after all.

Wattos distinguished itself primarily by saving power (hence the name "Wattos" and the green theme) and by being lightweight (which also saves power).  Is that a where we want to keep heading?

wattOS R11 / Re: General Announcement
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:36:06 PM »
Hello Biff:

I agree with Blaze... you need to do what is right for you and your life. 

His idea sounds interesting...  would that be something like Porteus used to be except based on LTS?  Minimal, but you choose the DE you want?  I don't think it would have to be fancy with a web page with "buttons" to choose the DE, browser, etc....  maybe just some instructions on how to install the DE. 

It would still be great if it were a "stable" rolling release.... maybe even less work for you in the long run, but I am grateful for whatever you do!

wattOS R11 / Re: General Announcement
« on: July 30, 2019, 12:49:02 AM »
Sorry, one other thing on the wish list....  32 bit as well as 64 bit...  I still use a 32 bit computer.  I live in a rural area with spotty satellite internet, so have not upgraded to newer computer able to handle faster internet; there is no need to invest in the latest greatest.

Thanks again for asking, Biffster


wattOS R11 / Re: General Announcement
« on: July 30, 2019, 12:42:45 AM »
Hello Biffster:I

Thanks so much for posting....  and don't be sorry for having a life.  What I look for is:

(1) Lightweight - I loved LXDE.  LXQT is ok, but feels heavier and slower.  I have a single core with 2 GB of ram. 
(2) A Rolling Release that is based on "Stable" version (Debian???).   I am not aware of ANY rolling stable releases.   
(3) Base Programs used most often - LibreOffice, KOrganizer, KAddressbook, KFind, Gimp, and KeepPassX. I also use a couple  of Windows based programs....  so compatibility is important
(4) If Stable Rolling Release isn't possible, is there a way to make it so personal data is saved during fresh install?  That would be new and different and would save a lot of time in upgrading.... It really does take a lot of time on a fresh install to bring it back up to speed....
and I don't think anyone has done that.

Thanks again for all that you do!


General Discussion / Re: WattOS Community OS
« on: April 10, 2019, 12:42:00 PM »
Speaking of Biffster...  how is he doing?  I understand he is pretty overwhelmed right now (with family, work, health???  I don't know)

General Discussion / Re: How Secure is Wattos after end of life
« on: March 30, 2019, 03:10:48 AM »
Thanks, so much!  It is a laptop that I use for limited purposes...  sending e-mails and doing legal research.  I don't shop or do banking on it, so it sounds like I'm good for a while!

General Discussion / How Secure is Wattos after end of life
« on: March 29, 2019, 12:10:44 PM »
I have a quick question.  I have Wattos R9 installed on a laptop.  Its End of Life is this year (April).  I really don't want to install r10 on it, given its End of Life is just two years away....  I'd rather wait for the new version of Wattos.  How safe is it to just leave r9 on the laptop until the new version comes out?

General Discussion / Re: Playing with the Budgie and other bored notes
« on: February 22, 2019, 12:26:35 AM »
Has anyone played around with Sparky Linux?  Looks interesting, but I am a little leery of rolling releases.  My guess is that some rolling releases are more stable than others....

wattOS R11 / Re: Early pics inbound
« on: January 26, 2019, 11:46:30 PM »
I will!  Thank you for responding.  I love Wattos and really appreciate all you and Biff do! Thanks

wattOS R11 / Re: Early pics inbound
« on: January 25, 2019, 10:37:32 PM »
I would really love to know when r11 or r12 is coming as well...  and will Biff have to switch to Debian which still has 32 bit support?  I heard Lubuntu is moving away from being a disto for older (32 bit) machines :)

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