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Nope.. ubuntu still has 32 bit in store so dont fear... just a few different flavours now that support it ..

Depending on the build of R11 / R12 with the direction Ubuntu are taking in mind.. we have a few options to support 32bit still... whilst the default 18.04 ubuntu no longer ships in 32 bit.. there is Lubuntu (only for the moment) but Mate and Budgie are all available in 32bit flavours so fear not!We're waiting on Biffster at the moment to get a spare moment in his hetic real life work schedule to provide an update so please be patient :)

I will!  Thank you for responding.  I love Wattos and really appreciate all you and Biff do! Thanks


--- Quote from: cheiron on July 03, 2018, 03:26:18 PM ---.....
As for the promo.. you broke rule 101!!! Never ask :D
The ranks are done by the forum based on useful contributions and accepted posts automatically.

--- End quote ---

Incorrect: Rule 101 is "Profit trumps emotion"


I hope LXDE will be  the desktop environment . I have been testing LXQT and that thing is bloated. Too heavy for me and I don't like it. Has too much software doesn't look like a Light Environment. Lubuntu is going to ditch LXDE so It's going to be like WATTOS the distro I see that still has LXDE.


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