Author Topic: Spectrwm with Microwatt r10-how to change default dmenu and terminal keybindings  (Read 4463 times)


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I am experimenting with Microwatt r10 on a netbook (X86_64) with little overhead. The ultimate goal will be to strip out i3 once I get everything working with spectrwm. That will not be yet however, as I have run into what is for me an irritating issue. I am building my .spectrwm.conf along similar keybindings to i3, but the dmenu and terminal keybindings appear to be either hard coded or in another configuration file. I want dmenu to start with MOD4+d and the terminal with MOD4+Return. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Spectrwm insists on dmenu to use MOD(4)+p and the terminal MOD(4)+Shift+Return. I have tried to add a "dmenu_run" to the config file, but it seems to get in the way of the dmenu_bar...


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Well, it is a pleasure to be able to answer my own posting :) The answer is to add the two following lines in the spectrwm.conf file:

Code: [Select]
# Change default key binding for Dmenu
bind[menu] = MOD+d

# Change default key binding to start a terminal window
bind[term] = MOD+Return


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Should anyone be interested, I am including my commented configuration file and script in this thread. My configuration file is from an Ubuntu MATE 16.10 install with i3 and spectrwm installed on the side. The script comes from the same system, which is my main system these days. The .spectrwm file sits in the "~/ " folder. I have added comments in that file as to how to create the script and where it resides on the system.

All I need now is some sort of system tray that plays nice with spectrwm and displays applets.