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[SOLVED]Update Flash Player to newer version

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Hello people again, i need to upgrade Shockwave flash player (Iceweasel) from version to version

But when i'm tried update directly from Adds-on it shows me that there is no content !

So i manualy downloaded tar.gz package, but i dont know how to upgrade it. Surely, there is a instruction file but i need help cause i'm affraid to make something wrong!  :-\
I'm using WattOs R8 LXDE 32bit.

Thank in advance.  :)

read about your flash problem here:

what I did:

not a perfect solution. it does work on most websites.

The Adobe Flashplayer, iirc, has had three serious problems already this year!

Like the OP I couldn't work out how to get the 442 version onto WATTOS R8 and this post may be of
no help at all since I have given away the R8 computer and can't remember how I left it. ???

As it was a slow machine - Flash was next to useless in FIREFOX, anyway.
IIRC, 1 option is to block Flash with the FLASHBLOCK add-on and to download the clip to your hard-drive with the FLASHGOT or DOWNLOADHELPER add-on: you don't have to wait for the download to complete before you start watching.

Going to allows you to flip between the FLASHPLAYER installed
and the HTML5 player as default - the default varies from browser to browser.
IIRC the default for MIDORI is HTML5.

Apologies for the vagueness of the post - but I was fiddling around with FLASHBLOCK,
GNASH/ADOBE, blocking/activating SHOCKWAVE via the PLUG-IN option in ADD-ONS
(all without really keeping track of what I was doing). DOH! ::)

I'm using ver 442 (the newest for mozilla browsers on linux)

installed manually (due to hint on pointlinux forum. independently I've found some info but with a little different solotion).
firstly go to adobe site and download the latest tar.gz flashplayer for linux (in my case install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz).
extract the file and find
copy/move the above file to ~/.mozilla/firefox/v0sbni6e.default/plugins directory (create the last one if needed, the name of directory with default extension might be different).
that's all


Great job @Maroman, and that is one effective but simple solution ! Thank you, now my flash player looks like this.

I created plugins directory,and put inside file.

But, there is one more thing: you must replace current in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree with unpacked It needs root priviledges:

--- Code: ---sudo chmod a+r+w+x /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/
--- End code ---

and after that replace easily with new libflashplayer file.

Thanks everybody who tried to help me.  :)


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