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How to install OpenOffice?

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I wanted to install OpenOffice using package here but it contains 40+ packages not one as I expected.

I am not sure which one should I install first, next.. or maybe there is any other way to install them all?

it's quite easy but be ready to use terminal. moreover assume you haven't install libre office before.
I do not want to repeat whole procedure, since there is a wiki how to install
of course firstly you should download deb packages for your system (32 vs 64). and for your language (I'm installing English version because not always translations are properly done). different dictionaries are installed as ad-ons (for LO - a little different).
after installing all files and integration package the unofficial repository /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apacheoo.list can be added

--- Code: ---#Open Office unofficial repository
# Since the packages from this repository are digitally signed, to perform the installation process you will need to add our public gnupg key to the APT keys database as follows, via terminal:
#$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 90127F5B

deb testing main #OpenOffice

--- End code ---
(see all instruction in the file)
next sudo apt-get update and all repositories are up to date.


Thank you Maroman, it works perfectly!

BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen.:
I add a postscript for sense...

If it was "" to have used conventionally, it is old application.
Most of Linux distribution choose "LibreOffice" as this succession now.
We can easily install LibreOffice from Synaptic and apt. The package name is libreoffice:

--- Code: ---sudo apt-get install libreoffice
--- End code ---

What is an advantage of LibreOffice over OpenOffice?

Some products come and go not because they are worse but because they do.. developers come and go.. products rise and fall..

OO has recently been overtaken by Apache Software Foundation and has changed a lot since then, being more compatible with MS Office. I do not want to stick to OO against LO but to move I have to have solid reasons.

To be specific, my main concern is MS Office compatibility.


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