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Messages - biffster

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wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 08:37:09 PM »
..Why are my posts being cut short? That's twice now that about half of what I've written has simply disappeared when I post it. When I preview my posts they're all there. But once posted they leave out big parts of my message!.. So here's yet another thing to be concerned with!..

Your quotes are being cut short any time you use an apostrophe. Its something I discovered yesterday...Looking into a fix...but until then, leave apostrophes forum bumps..please be patient.

wattOS R8 / Re: WattOS R8 MATE Problems: Is it just me?!..
« on: May 18, 2014, 08:32:31 PM »
The menu editing problem you are noting is an upstream packaging problem. We are running the newer mate 1.8 and the program that does this is called 'mozo'. If you launch it from command line you will see the error..

This is a mate 1.8 problem for any Debian release running it, not just wattOS....older 1.6 does not have the problem which is why you have not seen it.

Below is a github link discussing. The fix has been applied, just not been replicated to the repos yet it appears.

Looks like someone made their own unofficial .deb fix for it if you want to use it, but I am going to wait for the upstream packages to get fixed officially on this error.


wattOS of any other flavor / Re: Wattos R6 use
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:17:38 PM »
We will help anyone with any flavor of wattOS since I built them starting back in 2008. There may be a point where someone needs a package or fix or something that requires a forklift upgrade, and generally we have told people we don't support an in place upgrade typically.

However - I have a hard time saying no, so whoever or whatever Linux questions come along, either myself or someone will likely take a swing at it to help out.


Tips and Tricks / Re: The "parted" command
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:01:09 PM »
If you want to just look at the size of the file systems and various pieces and parts, another easy and safe command is 'df'

'df -h' will show sizes in human readable format

wattOS R8 / Other good reference web sites
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:22:27 PM »
I am going to make this sticky - please keep it focused on Debian/wattOS - but put links here from other sites you think are helpful relevant so we have the in one spot.

My first one is the Debian Openbox site and the main Openbox help site. Since its new to some people, and has lots of good links to other panels, tools, etc..etc..

wattOS Talk / wattOS Pi
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:13:11 PM »
Still toying with the notion of making a "pi" edition of wattOS.

Would love any feedback if you think this is worth the effort. I have a couple units, so testing and building is not a problem, just a time investment.

wattOS R8 / Re: Bug on Microwatt R8
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:10:24 PM »
Oh..hey missed that Balloon already added the quickest way (and they way a lot of openbox distros do adding the Debian menu)

Read this post if you want to give that a whirl

wattOS R8 / Re: Edit Super Keys
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:06:08 PM »
Hey there.

The rc.xml file under your home directory in the hidden .config directory ( ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml )

edit it in whatever you want - simplest way is to just do a search in leafpad for "qupzilla" and it will take you right to the key bindings area where you can edit all you like :)

wattOS R8 / Re: Bug on Microwatt R8
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:56:01 PM »
Hi there...its not a was on purpose. Crunchbang does it the same way. (but is much more mature and elegant than my first attempt in my opinion  ;))

There are a couple of "automatic" menu tools that can build a menu based upon the .desktop or other methods. I tested several and did not like them as they added giant menu structures. full of things that were not needed so I was trying to keep it simple and added the gui menu editor instead.

When I get some time (probably Sunday west coast US time) I will add some links and KB info on those as options as I know some people prefer that.



News Archives / Spamming and getting banned
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:48:50 PM »
Generally speaking everyone that joins the forums are contributing and positive. So I appreciate that.

However I have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to deleting accounts. So be sure when you create an account that is has pertinent information about yourself. There are several people that can ban/delete people, and they can do it at their own discretion.

Couple tips to be sure that does not happen to you.

1. complete a reasonable profile (as much as you are comfortable)
2. If you link to another site/hobby, etc. be clear about it. many spammers get deleted simply because they create an account and put a link in their signature.
3. Don't post ads - if you want to promote something, let me know and I will consider it, or if its linux related.
4. keep the language, content reasonably PG-13 - feel free to rant, but do so by making points and humor, not profanity.

Most of all enjoy the community and Linux. Both are pretty cool  :D

News Archives / New Release wattOS R8!
« on: May 17, 2014, 12:15:40 AM »
The wattOS team is pleased to announce the release of the new version of wattOS - Release 8 - (also known as R8). After 5 years being an Ubuntu based distro, we have made the change to Debian. Specifically Debian Wheezy as the base, with some backports thrown in (for example a newer Kernel), and in a couple of small places a little Jessie where warranted. But for the most part, its Debian Wheezy as a base to build from.

The additional tweaks include the addition of the expected things to make it easy to use as a liveCD or install. So a reasonably complete desktop for all versions that includes things like support for multiple wireless chipsets, flash inclusion, printing support, and the ability to browse windows networks without a lot of command line magic needed.

There are three flavors included in this release. wattOS Mate edition, LXDE edition, and the Microwatt edition (running openbox this time around). The Mate and LXDE version include 32 and 64bit and the Microwatt is 32bit only.

As you can imagine there are a lot of changes since we went from Ubuntu to Debian, but the idea of a simple, quick operating system that gets out of your way, and can be a good base to build and customize on remains intact.

There will be several lengthy write ups  on the wattOS website discussing the details of those changes. (especially with openbox and microwatt) and the expected learning curve. Also since this is our first go around wth Debian as the core, its expected that some bumps may be encountered. We have tested a good bit, but no amount of testing can replicate what the community can discover.

Core apps and versions for LXDE

Core system - Linux Kernel 3.13.10-1
File manager - PCManFM 1.1.2
Graphics Editing - Shotwell 0.12.3
Web Browsing (including flash support) - Iceweasel 24.5.0
File transfer - Filezilla 3.5.3
BitTorrent client - Transmission 2.52
PDF viewing - ePDFViewer 0.1.8
Music Player - Audacious 3.2.4
Video/multimedia player - VLC 2.0.3
CD burning utility - XFBurn 0.4.3
Power management utilities like powertop to optimize settings, support for power
management features of laptops

Core apps and differences for MATE-Desktop

Same as before as a base build of Mate but an update to Mate 1.8
and the same core applications as LXDE

Whats New in R8

- Debian based instead of Ubuntu
- Microwatt changed from PekWM to customized Openbox
- Microwatt includes Qupzilla browser
- non-pae support continues for 32bit systems/processors
- Changed to iceweasel browser for all versions except Microwatt
- Broad inclusion of wireless chipset support and their related drivers
- All versions built from scratch on base Debian images
- New simple installer (with tips and tricks taken from LMDE and Point Linux and their excellent installer implementations)

LXDE versions wattOS should be able to run on any system that has a Pentium 3 class
processor or better with 192-256MB of RAM to install but less than 128MB after
install is complete.

Microwatt version of wattOS should be able to run on the same class of machines
as LXDE but with a smaller memory footprint.

News Archives / new wattOS fourms!
« on: May 16, 2014, 11:27:47 PM »
Welcome all to the new wattOS forums. This is a more robust and advanced forum so that we can grow and effectively support the wattOS community.

You will need to register here to post and your current login to does not work here, so you have to register here again. This is a one time thing as we will be eventually migrating away from that capability on the main site and focus the community discussions here.

Welcome and get involved!


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