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wattOS-R10 and the Mouse who slept

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So there have been several reports related to USB mice and issues with sleeping or not being recognized, etc. There is likely a simple fix, so give it a try.

- First when reporting a problem, details are helpful. There are thousands of combinations out there. I happen to have 4 logitech bluetooth mice on my various systems, and none of them exhibit the problems reported on wattOS R10 32 and 64bit (i tested). Also does not seem to bother USB mice. (I tested 2 desktops and 4 laptops prior)

- So I dug around and found an old Microsoft bluetooth mouse, and was able to replicate the behavior.

- Teejay has noted a couple of links that will likely fix your problem by getting into the weeds a little. I have not tested those on wattOS, but have used in previous releases and works fine. Again related to blacklisting your specific USB-HID device, or port.


- You can go the simple route. Screenshot is below, and the popup dialog that goes with it is kinda funny if you read it.

    - In any case, open the menu, Go to "System Tools"  - Then "Laptop Mode Tools Configuration"
    - Enter your password when prompted - click ok when it says your running as root.
    - UN-check the "Enable Module runtime-pm" - (see screenshot)
    - Click on OK - then OK again - Close the app
    - Reboot your system
    - Your mouse should no longer go to sleep

This method fixed my misbehaving Microsoft mouse that was doing was has been reported. It might also fix the "not responsive mouse" at boot also - but try it and let us know.

** Also on a unrelated note - We have always prided ourselves on being a "kind" community - helpful, etc. Lets please continue to be that way please. I have received several direct messages from people that have not been so. Things like "what a joke", etc. ** Its not productive or appreciated. If you want to be "leet" go install Arch or Gentoo (which I ran both for several years) and let them tell you to RTFM. Its highly likely any problem you run in to has already been found, and someone will know the answer. AND we can share the answer in a way that is helpful to all. **

- Steps off soapbox -

Rather than waiting to try this fix on the USB that I installed R10 on, I went ahead and did a full install onto my old HP dx5150 SFF...on which I just upgraded the memory from 1 GB to 4 GBs yesterday.  ;D

This works! Thanks biff!

I'll install it on my laptop later.  :D

As for those with unkind messages...I hope they will take the time to read what the intent of wattOS is from the website.  ;)

Older Dell wired usb mouse
UN-check the "Enable Module runtime-pm" FIXED the problem.
Thank you.
Is "Laptop Mode Tools Configuration" new to R10?
LXDE R9 did not have the mouse problem.

MUCH better than my notes, Biff. 

UNchecking runtime-pm would, I assume, affect other devices too.  I speculate that it might improve network performance for some users, which would be a nice side effect.  Are there any negative consequences, potential or inevitable, which might push users to the more detailed solution .... among the weeds, as you put it ?    I'm guessing that printers, scanners and the like go to low-power at their own behest; what of HDDs and other internal devices ?  Or LAN polling, for that matter. 
Anything that might chew up enough cpu or power (whence heat) to become noticeable on a modest machine ?

Looked at another way, what benefit do those using a ps2 mouse or compliant usb meese get over  those who make this change out of necessity ?

Is there a way to make a fix work while using wattOS as a Live CD?   


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