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still using R8

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I am very interested in the results of this upgrade. Please keep us  posted.


--- Quote from: leenie on February 22, 2017, 12:43:53 PM ---I am very interested in the results of this upgrade. Please keep us  posted.

--- End quote ---
well, I'm not going to upgrade. I want to pay attention and say that "ancient" versions are still alive and useable. please think on devuan-based version. I wish every year is wasted work and the potential of past versions.

moreover on my laptop I want continuously keep one linux version as long as possible. wattos was finally installed in dec. 2014 (I installed it earlier but was not decide what to use - pointlinux or wattos).


Many thanks for the update and for taking our advice on board.

Good to hear you believe in keeping the old stuff alive!  We still support all of our distros within the confines of the host platform.

Look forward to seeing you on these discussions :-)


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