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Topics - biffster

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wattOS R9 / Update
« on: April 11, 2015, 07:45:51 PM »
Hi all...quick note.

Slowly working on simplifying and cleaning up the home page and posted a general announcement there today.

wattOS R9 will be going into beta testing very soon and some of you will be getting beta invites to test the LXDE 32 and 64bit version first. (you probably know who you are)

Look for a posting in the next couple days outlining the settled apps, development, and information. Time to get this done and your patience will be rewarded I believe :)

Also - going to turn registrations back on this weekend and lets see how the spam can be handled. :)


News Archives / wattOS R9 2015 update
« on: January 25, 2015, 07:21:37 PM »
Greetings all,

I wanted to drop a quick line to make sure you know whats going on with the latest version of wattOS in development.

The release date is a little tardy (as it has been for 7 years :) ) - so we are consistent.

But the reason is that I am looking at a potential return to ubuntu as an upstream base. There are lots of reasons, mostly dealing with Debian Jessie breakage, flexibility, and general labor required to get a clean stable desktop with the widest hardware compatibility while maintaining a simple clean desktop environment with no bloat.

Some people would be happy with this development, some will not. I cannot worry about that, but only to try and continue to develop wattOS in a way that has helped many people over the years.

There has not been a final verdict as I am doing extensive testing and building to see if this pivot makes sense. I would anticipate some beta images for a few testers to review in the next 7-10 days as I already have a working LXDE 32/64 base.

wattOS was derived from Ubuntu for 6 years until the latest release. It does not mean support would not be around for either (and most any version) as I field questions from wattOS 6 onward at this point on a semi regular basis.

I will be looking at this for the next few more days before a final decision (and announcement) is made, but the forums here will of course be the first to know along with some private notifications for some beta testing of the R9 images.



News Archives / Forum Registration
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:42:11 PM »
To clean up and keep the spammers under control, we have disabled registration temporarily. The holiday season seems to have picked up the frequency of the spammers.

We will be adding some registration questions and changing method in the next few days and try again...

Until then, If you would like to join the forums, you can email ' join at planetwatt dot com '

That will get checked a couple times a day for any requests to be a member of the forums. Be sure you send a valid email that you want to use for your account, and you understand the rules of the fourm and posting non-technical related items.


News Archives / website - main page facelift
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:31:26 PM »
Greetings all...I would like some feedback. I want to renovate the wattOS main page and freshen things up. Do any of you have an opinion on what you like? or examples?

I would like to simplify and make it an information page as we all know the real action happens in the forums other than downloads and information.

Thinking I will maintain a link in these forums to the old forums just because there is a lot of legacy info...

feedback please...

wattOS R9 / R9 Information
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:30:01 AM »
**As you can see this information has changed quite a bit...please be sure and read the release information posted on 5-30-2015 that has the latest release information**

Hi all,

Thought I would share some early wattOS R9 information. Here is what I can tell you today.

1. wattOS R9 will be based on Debian Jessie. It is frozen now, and I have been testing for a while with good results.
2. wattOS R9 will have an LXDE and Mate'  version with both 32bit and 64bit versions. (briefly looked at Cinnamon, but seemed a little to heavy)
3. There will be a microwatt version, but the details of that are not settled yet as there is more testing to do (and information). It will be 32bit only and be focused on old hardware/small footprint
4. The application list (core apps) will be forthcoming soon. (days not weeks from now)
5. The target release is late December or early January.
6. Its not clear if the upgrade path from R8 to R9 will be "rolling release" like Debian normally is, or new type install as in the past (with ubuntu upstream). I have been testing R8 to Jessie paths, and there is more work to do as early testing has resulted in breakage and dependency issues..... Obviously the desired path for some would be to execute an upgrade path with a script or simple commands rather than a reinstall, but no promises yet.

Feel free to ask questions here, or if you have certain "desires" :)


wattOS R8 / Poodle vulnerability
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:12:02 AM »
I have posted info on the poodle vulnerability and the various browsers it impacts. Link is on my personal blog - shots and info are from windows, but the basics are the same and do impact Linux also and you can fix firefox and chrome the same way.

Chrome you change the .desktop Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --ssl-version-min=tls1 %U

Firefox - follow the other instructions already mentioned.

wattOS R8 / shellshock bug and bash**security update**
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:49:06 AM »
If you are not checking or keeping your system current and patched with updates, I strongly suggest you do so.

The likelihood that your workstation will be used for some sort of direct attack especially if you are behind a firewall and practice safe computing is pretty unlikely, but its better to be safe than sorry.

Please update your system using your preferred method. If you are using wattOS as a server, then you really need to update (as all Linux servers need to). Below is a great link that outlines all this and gives you some good information for testing and whats going on about this bug.

Additionally if you use various technologies and or are responsible for them, I have posted an update on my personal blog also you can review here..

wattOS R8 / couple broken download links
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:22:16 PM »
Looks like during some cleanup a couple download links got broken. I have been alerted by a couple folks.

Thank you...I will get those cleaned up in the next day or so....



News Archives / Time to start talking about wattOS R9
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:53:11 AM »
Hi all - fall is approaching and its time to start talking about wattOS R9. I am going to post some questions in another forum area and I would like some feedback. Also will post a calendar and some live chat dates on IRC if you are inclined to jump in.

I am not entirely happy with R8 (and I am never happy with any release...ha) but overall I think it was a good transition away from ubuntu. There is a learning curve, and breakage that goes along with that. I am going to work on making R9 much more complete, and I need to prioritize (read slim down) the number of releases so there is maybe 1 or 2 desktop options rather than so many as it creates a lot of extra work (and breakage of course), so I will need some good discussions around that. Nothing will be off limits (thats constructive) to discuss.

Thanks for those of you that are sticking around and contributing as its appreciated.

see you soon :)

wattOS R8 / Microwatt Status
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:28:25 AM »

It appears that we have a few issues with Microwatt, so I figured I would solicit some feedback before I make a final decision to move forward. With the install of Qupzilla and the subsequent pull of some Jessie packages, it has broke a few things related to dependencies. Which is not entirely surprising, but can be labor intensive to fix manually, so I want to discuss a couple options.

My inclination at this point is to update and release two Microwatt versions very soon (Microwatt only - call it Microwatt 8.1) Those would be updated and available in the next week, and put these issues to bed.

One version Microwatt 8.1- Jessie based (Debian - testing) that has Qupzilla as the default browser and all the updated Jessie packages - considered more cutting edge.

One version Microwatt 8.1 - Wheezy (Debian Stable) that has Midori as its default browser and all stable wheezy only packages. - considered more conservative

The reality is that both likely will run well, but there is always more chance of breakage on Jessie as things get settled with it from the upstream Debian.

If you feel adventurous and are having current Microwatt dependency problems, simply add the Jessie repo to your sources and you will then be able to update the package you want (like installing printing that has been reported as a problem). That is not ideal I am aware, which is why I am considering taking the above path so you can choose what suits you best. Again you can manually work though the dependencies and fix them in your current installs as they come up on a case by case basis.

So fire away and let me know your thoughts.

If you want to test yourself now on your current Microwattt (R8 install), and try some Jessie packages, (and fix some of your dependencies).

simply edit /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo nano sources.list

Add the line at the bottom of the file

deb jessie main non-free contrib

Save the file


sudo apt-get update

Then install whatever packages you need that previously did not work. (like system-config-printer to fix printing)

You do not have to do a full upgrade as you can have some packages co-mingled (again yes I know not ideal) but I have tested that scenario for the last week with no problems. If you do a full upgrade, it will take a good bit of time, and you will essentially be running Jessie.

wattOS R8 / Hardening Security wattOS R8
« on: May 26, 2014, 12:34:13 AM »
I have discovered that the shadow passwords option are not enabled by default after install on wattOS R8.

You don't "have" to change, but using shadow passwords is considered a best practice, and something that should be used on most modern systems unless there is a specific reason to not. Its an option on a typical new advanced Debian install to turn it on or not.

Your passwords are still SHA-512 hashed as they should be, but enabling shadow passwords moves the information to a more secure - root accessible only shadow file

The good news is that its really easy to change.

Open a terminal and enter the command

'sudo pwconv'

enter your password, and its done. I suggest then rebooting and continue working as usual. You will likely not encounter any differences or issues.

News Archives / Something unexpected is happening very soon :)
« on: May 21, 2014, 06:36:51 PM »
Stay tuned for an announcement on that shortly.  ;D

Good stuff - I will announce it all at once in the next few days


wattOS R8 / Other good reference web sites
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:22:27 PM »
I am going to make this sticky - please keep it focused on Debian/wattOS - but put links here from other sites you think are helpful relevant so we have the in one spot.

My first one is the Debian Openbox site and the main Openbox help site. Since its new to some people, and has lots of good links to other panels, tools, etc..etc..

wattOS Talk / wattOS Pi
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:13:11 PM »
Still toying with the notion of making a "pi" edition of wattOS.

Would love any feedback if you think this is worth the effort. I have a couple units, so testing and building is not a problem, just a time investment.

News Archives / Spamming and getting banned
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:48:50 PM »
Generally speaking everyone that joins the forums are contributing and positive. So I appreciate that.

However I have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to deleting accounts. So be sure when you create an account that is has pertinent information about yourself. There are several people that can ban/delete people, and they can do it at their own discretion.

Couple tips to be sure that does not happen to you.

1. complete a reasonable profile (as much as you are comfortable)
2. If you link to another site/hobby, etc. be clear about it. many spammers get deleted simply because they create an account and put a link in their signature.
3. Don't post ads - if you want to promote something, let me know and I will consider it, or if its linux related.
4. keep the language, content reasonably PG-13 - feel free to rant, but do so by making points and humor, not profanity.

Most of all enjoy the community and Linux. Both are pretty cool  :D

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