Author Topic: Upgrade to Sid  (Read 2063 times)


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Upgrade to Sid
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:39:24 PM »
Being a noob to Linux about a year now, really enjoy WattOS R8 and a fan of openbox. I decided to see how far I could take LXDE before I messed it up. I loaded openbox by smxi or tty1 to others, and log-in as openbox. I found the graphical obmenu, nitrogen, lxappearance with synaptic. I ended up with the default Debian menu and a fully editable menu as well. From there I add the "testing" repositories and commented out the "wheezy", understanding there would be no going back. I then did a full update & then a dist-upgrade, took a while and ended up with an error code 1, -f install fixed that, along with a dpkg --configure -a. I proceeded on to "unstable"  repositories along with Liquorix kernel, now running 3.17.3 dmz. Quite fast and error free.   I'm impressed. WattOS was already fast, low memory footprint.  Sid is the way to go, and having five other Linux distro's are all Sid, including SalentOS, running the Liquorix kernel. I have only one Ubuntu, prefer Debian over Ubuntu for stability.  But use it for NetFlix. The xdg file is impressive, took a while to figure out to autostart my tint2 items, but it work as a charm, with a little (lot)help from other post on this forum.  I am running the 64 bit Watt R8-Lxde/openbox.  Thanks. - zephyr                 ----VSIDO/CrunchBang#! / Aptosid/ SalentOS/WattOS.