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Topics - drizzt

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / website refresh v2 coming soon.
« on: April 10, 2018, 07:46:32 AM »
Just saw a topic on website refresh v2 in the News And Announcements category.  Just wondering if there is a need for a https version?
Maybe i'm a bit jumpy (and unnecessarily) because i don't know much about security, for when firefox tells me that my connection is not secure during login.   :-\
Can someone enlighten me please?

wattOS R10 / microwatt R10 - how do i install updates?
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:18:17 PM »
i am wondering about updates - a number of other distros have an updater software which shows a notification if there are updates available to install, and then when launched will show a list of updates.  Hope that makes sense? 
What is the equivalent (or similar) of that in wattos, or i guess pretty much any other (debian based) distros?  Is it the same thing as doing a apt-get upgrade?  Or the "Mark All Upgrades" in synaptic?  Or in synaptic, "Status" and "Installed (upgradable)" maybe? 
I like the idea how the list of updates are also categorised, like critical security, recommended, etc.  That way i can just update the most important first in case i don't have time to do all at that moment.

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