Author Topic: new installation on Thinkpad E485  (Read 2932 times)


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new installation on Thinkpad E485
« on: December 02, 2018, 05:09:29 PM »
dear fellow watt friends. i got after what seemed to be a successful install first, an error message saying that the installer crashed, that i will soon see a window with error information and that a report will be sent to the developers. unfortunately there was no sign of any error report - and i am not sure if the devels got it. the wifi was up though and i waited 15 mins so whatever it did (or not - nothing visible) could be done to the end. now my question is what i should do to deal with the situation. still interested to install this distro....


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Re: new installation on Thinkpad E485
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2018, 08:08:00 AM »
Try WattOs 9 and see if it gives the same error  :)


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Re: new installation on Thinkpad E485
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2018, 08:26:36 AM »
no, already no longer interested. using stuff that actually worx now and does support me helping the large user base i have to care about as sysadmin of a network of tens of thousands of people in alternative scene, accordingly. thank you, but this was too little too late. pls understand, i can not support a distribution which does not provide infrastructure to befittingly appreciate my valuable time and other resources i spend for them to further their project. i really do expect, appropriate response, support and bug fixes quite promptly, especially in cases of such MAJOR screw ups like this. else i can not recommend using a distro like yours (which is one of many we tested btw) with clean conscience to (users in) my organizations, both private and business.
currently Fedora and Manjaro are looking come out  on top fo becoming the next standard desktop with us. see: i am with various Linux distros since 1997. SuSE5, RedHat7 ... those were crazy times. I go (with my community) where the best experience for us is offered, we are very flexible, always have been. Seen distros come and go. I just never seen any small distro rise to any level of significance, allowing them to serve a large user base like ours to a level where we can say, yes this is win:win _without_ having a base crew of highly committed, clever, motivated and especially _engaged_ peeps. as long as you don't have it... have fun ... contact me once you do. and once you got basics like a working installer for hundreds of standard business devices for our orga, timely bug fixes and so on sorted out ;-) until then: best of look 4 u guys, with this kind of ... uhm ... approach. over and out. p.s. nice web page tough, if this can be any consolation by any chance...