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Messages - jeliotcranch

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Re: Hello, I'm New Here
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:28:44 PM »
Hi, I'm new, too.  New to Watt anyway.  I tried Watt 6 or 7 prior to this on my N270 Atom based notebook.  Not bad, but I was, and still am primarily an Ubuntu/Mint user, and Mint/Mate was pretty light. Until....

Now I'm using MicroWatt R8 as a VM currently.  I absolutely love the Ivi_ob theme!  It remindes me of my favorite light(er)weight distro of all time: Mint 9 Fluxbox.  And this one is lighter, and pretty much pure debian.

I've three compliants though, one with a fix.

1.  Re: Ivi_ob, Why are the icons left for you to guess the functionallity.  Its not to save space.  I did my own icons, trying to stay within the clean, subdued and minimalist bounds of the Ivi-ob theme.  Use them if you like.  For a system-wide fix, Just copy them into the theme file (assuming you saved them to your Downloads directory:
Code: [Select]
cd Downloads
sudo cp iconify.xbm close.xbm max.xbm /usr/share/themes/Ivi_ob/openbox-3/
then restart openbox.

I suppose a safer way would be to save them locally and create a local themerc file, but...

2.  Installing Gimp.... I kept getting unmet dependencies.  frequently the dependents were not available or would not install themselves.

3.  Installing mysql-server.  Fails on configuration for mysql-server-5.5.  I'm trying an older mysql-server version now, not sure exactly what's going on yet.  As I want this for a lightweight webserver for my virtual network, this is kindof important.

Anyway, Gimp and MySQL issues are for a different category.

Nice work though, on MicroWatt R8.  Loving it.

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