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Watt os 7.5- mate freezes after upgrading


Yesterday i have upgraded wattos 7.5 mate 13.10 to 14.04 lts. after rebooting i received a blank screen.

 no panel, nothing?   Somebody can help me out?  Please answer.

I do not run 7.5, but if you want help it would help if you provided some information about what hardware you have.  Maybe dig up a boot log.

The older WattOS servies (prior to 8) where all specifically coded for that version of ubuntu shell that it sat on and was not designed to have the ubuntu host upgraded to a new version or things would break as i think you have just found out

BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen.:
I tried upgrading to 14.04 in R7 MATE.
As a result, I met with a problem.
I judge that this is not a platform-dependent problem.

In the case of LXDE, it can boot, but a different problem occurs.

In the first place, in wattOS R7.5, Ubuntu-based upgrading is not recommended.

Sorry for being a little bit off topic, but I think my question might have relevance. I just read the release announcement for wattOS - 7.5 here;

There it says that it is based on Ubuntu 13.04, op claim his install are/were 13.10. Have he upgraded to 13.10, or is it a typo in the release announcement?


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