Ubuntu is unstable, Debian Sid is cutting, bleeding edge of Debian, and for a year now not crashed once. Plus all the fully upgraded software is tested and released. Crunchbang is going to Sid, and it is the best Openbox distro, VSIDO has always been Sid, and not once crashed for me or had a bad experience. I run 6 hard drives, all Sid Distro's. I would not run anything else. Try it out, easy to do. Sid is super stable, it is given the name unstable because it is above the "testing" end of release, but in my opinion, very stable. I also have "experimental" repositories and found yes that can play havoc with some apps, so I know what not to have installed. I just think that WattOS is a great distro, and the folks who are the minds and talent behind it be a little more aggressive with the distro. But, then again leave it as it is, and let the user chose what he would like to run. I am very impressed with how well the transition went and smooth, can't be done with a lot of distro's and I just believe that WattOS is a great example of a well defined, and stable OS. I have also added Fluxbox and Awesome DE's to WattOS, interesting is how well the distro adapts to these desktop environments. Plus, I just think Ubuntu is trying to be controlling by creating the Canonical of software. I am a noob to Linux, experimented heavily, learn as much as can, and enjoy the distro's as hobby. Sid is best, just don't want to see a great distro be left behind and not step up and be a greater distro than it is. You can add the Liquorix kernel on as well. -zephyr