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News and Announcements / Re: wattOS 13 RELEASED!
« Last post by leenie on January 02, 2024, 02:27:06 PM »
Thank you. Please join us on Discord.
News and Announcements / Re: wattOS 13 RELEASED!
« Last post by Dodcel on January 01, 2024, 03:56:49 PM »
Congratulations to the whole team on the launch.
Introductions / Re: Returning User
« Last post by leenie on August 27, 2023, 07:27:46 PM »
HI and welcome back RexB! Come join us at Discord. you will see the link at top.

This is good info to get account without giving your phone number:
Introductions / Returning User
« Last post by RexB on August 27, 2023, 05:36:07 PM »
Just downloaded WattOS-R12 yesterday and installed it on one of my laptops.  I had used WattOS many years ago at the suggestion from a friend and found it to be quite user friendly.  However, I moved on to other distros.  As group leader of our local LUG, I was recently looking for different distros to download and present them to our group and I noticed the new release on Distro Watch.  Now here is a operating system that can be used by beginners or seasoned Linux veterans that is not bloated.  We can install what the user needs or wants and are not destined to remove unwanted programs to install those that they want.  My LUG used to have a "go to" distro for very old or under-powered machines (Lubuntu) at our installfests.  When the Lubuntu Team decided to move to the LXQT desktop and quit supporting LXDE back in 2018 we searched for another but that was when Watt was sort of in a holding pattern.  The LXQT desktop is neither lean or beginner friendly in my opinion.  Watt may be a solution to our dilemma.  Are their plans to support 32 bit machines?  I realize that many of the major distributions have already ceased their support but we have many older people moving to Linux and I really hate to tell Grandma that she has to buy a new computer.
wattOS Talk / Re: What, exactly, is the status of WattOS?
« Last post by lonewolf on August 22, 2023, 02:05:50 AM »
Although I seriously doubt this would mean a damned thing to a person like you, I'll post it anyway.


1. Poor product management
2. Could it be that Discord is a piece of spyware?
3. Trustworthiness of the service
4. Legal precedent
5. Things for ROBLOX players to worry about
6. Malware hosting and distribution service
7. Discord permissions

Read about it here:

"Discord has a massive number of users that have ill-natured intentions, to say the least. Hackers, spammers, scammers — there’s a bit of everything on a platform that’s open to users aged 13 and above, which makes us wonder, is Discord safe?"

"Discord’s ease of use is one of the best things about the platform. At the same time, it’s also the worst thing, because it allows users with malicious intent to join servers as well. Discord servers are privately run, with Discord having little oversight over what is going on — that’s left to the servers’ moderators."

Read that here:

"Social networks do not have a great reputation when it comes to security and privacy (to put it mildly)"

Read it here:

"Using Discord? Don’t play down its privacy and security risks"

"Imagine a place…where your privacy is at risk"

Click here for more:

"5 Reasons You Shouldn't Use Discord"

"When using social media, security should be your primary concern. Unfortunately, though, Discord has failed its users in this respect on more than one occasion."

"Discord has been linked with several security issues in the past. Several incidences of phishing and ransomware, for example, have taken place on the platform."

"Because of cybersecurity threats, many users have deleted their accounts and moved onto platforms they feel are more secure."

And you can check that here:

Now, I'd like to know how a group of individuals promoting a LINUX DISTRIBUTION could possibly have the gall to promote a HUGE security risk to EVERY ONE of their current and prospective users. What kind of imbecile would recommend that? Why don't you all just go load up the latest version of Windows without an antivirus and go play on a bunch of porno sites? You wouldn't be at any more risk than spending your time on Discord. What a complete and total shame. I thought Linux gurus were supposed to be security conscious and halfway smart. I can hardly wait to see what lame excuse you give EVERYONE. What? Do you think social disease sites AREN'T security risks? Or do you think your users just aren't worth the protection? Wait, I know. You know more than every one of the security experts at all the websites and organizations in the world. They are all wrong and you guys are exponentially wiser and more experienced than all those highly paid, and superbly trained, security experts.  Maybe you just don't care and go running along, completely oblivious to REAL SECURITY CONCERNS!!!! What kind of fool would do this?
wattOS Talk / Re: What, exactly, is the status of WattOS?
« Last post by lonewolf on August 22, 2023, 01:35:45 AM »
One additional point. You very specifically stated that "Everyone else has solved their problem with this." I'd like to know just how you would know that. Are you somehow capable of knowing what every living person on the face of this planet has done, has tried to do, or is trying to do? That would make you God, or at least a God of some sorts. You have NO IDEA how many people just gave up after trying to login to that crappy Discord. You have NO IDEA how many people never even tried getting a Discord account because they know, as I do, that social disease sites are nothing more than a way for malicious assholes to exploit their accounts. The ONLY thing you might know is that a few, in fact very few, people who claimed to originally have had problems are now able to login.

Any statement that claims to know EVERYTHING, or EVERYBODY, is a completely asinine statement made by an individual not capable of even understanding how blatantly ridiculous it makes you look.

So, tell me again that EVERYONE that had a problem has now resolved that problem. I'll wait.
wattOS Talk / Re: What, exactly, is the status of WattOS?
« Last post by lonewolf on August 21, 2023, 08:49:15 PM »
Hell, just look. How many comments or new threads have been posted on this forum since February, other than ME?

wattOS Talk / Re: What, exactly, is the status of WattOS?
« Last post by lonewolf on August 21, 2023, 08:46:44 PM »
So, what you are then saying is that unless I bow to the idiotic crap that you prefer to use on Discord, I can expect ZERO assistance. Is that right?

Tell me. How do I start a specific thread about one, specific problem on Discord. Unless I am completely misunderstanding about how that social disease website works, it is nothing more than one, continuous string of comments. There is no way to categorize problems or thread into separate areas where I don;t have to read a whole string of nonsense that doesn't relate to my specific problem. Again, why would anyone abandon a perfectly good forum and insist that potential users of your distribution expose themselves to every type of hacker, Phisher and all the rest of the buttholes in the world to then exploit my login and personal info? What an idiotic decision. Completely asinine!
wattOS Talk / Re: What, exactly, is the status of WattOS?
« Last post by leenie on August 18, 2023, 01:22:47 PM »
Apparently you are missing something. Read ENTIRE page on login for Discord! Make sure you scroll down all the way. Everyone else has solved their problem with this.
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